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Pour a cup of tea and settle in for a slow moment. Consider these like my letters to you: notes from your mom-friend who happens to be a therapist. I’ve got you.

Sometimes you’re just having a really blah day and need a remedy… fast.

Whether you’re aware of it or not, your morning routine has a significant impact on your mental health.

If you take any piece of advice at all, let it be this.

The problem isn’t anger. The problem is when this happens *every day* or when we’re out of touch with what our emotions are telling us.

How to make yourself a priority again even when it feels like there’s no time.

For when you actually do cry over spilt milk. (Or lose your sh*$ entirely.)

In investing in hobbies and interests, you’re showing yourself that you matter.

When we detect a threat—even if it’s a modern-day stress like pinging notifications or your kids fighting—our nervous system responds.

These days, it’s like you dread night time because you lie there awake and feel exhausted, alone and drained.

Free Mom-Anxiety Guide

You know you’re struggling with anxiety and need help but you don’t have the capacity to deep dive just yet. Learn how anxiety shows up, understand and track symptoms, review the treatment options, and learn some easy-but-effective tools to bring relief ASAP.

Free Self-Care Mini Course

"Moment"the Weekly Email