One of the most shocking experiences of becoming a mom is the scary thoughts that flash into your mind like a lightning bolt.
“What if I drop my baby and she cracks her skull?”“What if I accidentally let him slip in the tub and he drowns?”“What if I get so frustrated and shake her? “What if someone steals her from the stroller when we’re at the store?”
What I want you to make sure you know, loud and clear, is that literally every mother has experienced unwanted thoughts (or they will at some point). One study found that 100% of mothers reported having scary thoughts of accidental harm coming to their baby (like images of them suffocating, getting extremely sick, being abducted, or having major accidents). And about half of the moms in the study also experienced intrusive thoughts about them causing the harm (like shaking, drowning, smothering, or molesting) (1).
You are not alone.
You are not bad.
You are actually more normal than you think (we just don’t talk about these things openly in society). Women are often reluctant to seek help for this because they worry that others won’t understand, they’ll be judged as dangerous or crazy, and they’re scared that their child will be taken away.
Here’s a brief guide about intrusive thoughts during postpartum, what you can do about it, and when to get help.
What Are Intrusive Thoughts?
Intrusive thoughts are basically any unwanted thought or image that come into your mind, which usually have a scary or otherwise disturbing quality to them.
These automatic thoughts are called “intrusive” because they literally feel like an unwelcome guest that barged their way in! Moms don’t want to think about these things… they just happen, and it’s usually quite upsetting.
Again, it’s normal for new moms to have intrusive thoughts. They seem to be part of the territory of new motherhood for some reason. When my kids were babies, I remember wondering if these thoughts were part of my brain’s attempt to plan for all possibilities… out of some kind of desperate and animalistic drive to keep my baby safe.
But whatever the purpose, these thoughts can feel awful. They can make you feel like a bad mom, that you’re dangerous, or going crazy. But remind yourself that having scary thoughts doesn’t mean anything bad about you.
They’re just thoughts.
Common Types of Intrusive Thoughts
There are common categories of intrusive or unwanted thoughts, although the possibilities really are endless (thanks to our creative brains).
Here’s some common categories:
Sickness: being exposed to germs, contracting diseases, touching dirty animals, bacteria from pacifiers or bottles, germs on toys, etc.
Physical Harm: thoughts of injury from mom’s carelessness, horrific images of harm from others, thoughts about acting on unwanted impulses, baby dying of SIDS, someone stealing baby, etc.
Sexual: thoughts of accidentally touching a child inappropriately, thought-images of their genitals, fears of molesting the child during diaper changes, fear of other’s molesting your child.
What’s often most disturbing for moms is when intrusive thoughts are about them harming their own baby (for example, thoughts of throwing them, hitting, leaving them somewhere, suffocating them, or molesting their baby). This leads to intense fear that they’ll act on these thoughts, that they’re dangerous, and shouldn’t be left along with their child.
Some moms might worry about whether they are at risk of harming their children because of these thoughts, and this is an important aspect to talk to a professional about.
One important piece for moms to know is that if they are disturbed and bothered by these thoughts, it’s most likely because they DON’T want them to happen – that’s the very reason they are so distressing.
The scary thoughts are normally not in-line with how moms want to treat their children.
These kinds of thoughts become dangerous when they ARE aligned with a mom’s intentions. For example, if she has thoughts about harming her child and feels justified in these thoughts, or truly does want to act out on them. If this is the case, it’s imperative that this mother gets support, and she could experience postpartum psychosis (call a crisis line, 911, or talk to a doctor right away).
For the vast majority of moms who experience intrusive thoughts, they are unlikely to act upon them. Again, the important question is whether or not these thoughts are inline with your intentions.
If All Moms Experience Intrusive Thoughts, Why Do Some Struggle More Than Others With This?
Yes, it’s true that most (if not all) moms experience intrusive thoughts at some point, but they are more or less distressing depending on what you do with them, or in other words, how you respond.
Consider this example: let’s say that two moms have the same intrusive thought about their baby slipping under the water and drowning in the bathtub.
The first mom notices her thought and goes on to think, “huh, yikes, that’s scary, would hate for that to happen,” then carries on bathing her child, not worrying about it further.
The second mom has the same initial thought of her baby drowning in the tub, then proceeds to ask herself, “oh god, I wonder if that’s a sign that she’s going to drown? I have to get her out of the tub…”
You can see how the initial intrusive thought doesn’t necessarily lead to further distress, but instead, it’s the next thoughts, feelings, and actions that can make the situation much harder to deal with.
Moms tend to misinterpret their thoughts in a few ways:
1. They overestimate the actual risk of their thoughts (“if I have this thought it must mean that I’m not safe to be around my child”; “only bad moms have these thoughts”)
2. They exaggerated their own responsibility (they think they can influence any outcome, “even a tiny chance of them getting sick, I have to act on it”)
3. Need for certainty or perfection (“because I had this thought about hurting my baby, there’s no way I could be a good enough mom”)
4. They feel the need to control their thoughts (“because I can’t stop thinking about this, it must mean something is very wrong with me”)
If you find that you relate to some of the “thinking mistakes” outlined above, don’t blame yourself, and remember, you would never choose to suffer this way. But for some reason, your mind leans toward worrying – this is okay, there’s a way to find relief.
Sometimes, intrusive thoughts that are highly distressing are associated with postpartum anxiety and depression. While having intrusive thoughts doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll fit one of these diagnoses, you might consider talking to your doctor or a mental health professional to learn more about this.
Some women who tend toward anxiety or worrying, or have perfectionist tendencies, could find themselves struggling with these kinds of thoughts more often. But other times, there doesn’t seem to be a clear reason why some women suffer more. The good news is that you can learn strategies to manage it all (scroll down for the strategies).
Postpartum OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
When intrusive thoughts become so disturbing that they interfere with your life and cause you to spend significant time and energy managing the thoughts (and feelings that come with it), then you could be experiencing Postpartum OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).
Briefly speaking, Postpartum OCD is an anxiety disorder that occurs in about 4% of postpartum women (2). This condition is marked by consistent obsessions (which are the intrusive thoughts) as well as compulsions (which are the impulses to take some kind of action to manage the distressing thoughts).
Compulsions are the repetitive behaviours or mental acts that the mom might do to lessen the anxiety and distress caused by the scary thoughts. It might seem like the compulsions are acted upon to reduce the chance of acting on the behaviour, but it’s usually more about avoiding the negative feelings and fear that come with having those thoughts.
Common Postpartum OCD compulsions are often seen in these general categories:
1. Cleaning (like repeatedly sterilizing bottles and pacifiers, washing, cleaning house, toys, etc)
2. Checking (is baby is breathing, properly secured in stroller, appliances turned off, toys for loose parts, signs of injury)
3. Mental rituals (like prayer, repeating certain thoughts, seeking reassurance, ruminating)
Research shows that OCD symptoms can sometimes start in pregnancy. About half of women who already have OCD report that their symptoms worsen during pregnancy (3). This makes sense given the tremendous stress put on a woman during pregnancy and postpartum.
It’s important to know that moms with Postpartum OCD are unlikely to cause harm to their child. Although distressing and certainly a disruptive and upsetting anxiety disorder, much of the emotional distress comes from your deep care, love, and drive to protect and keep your baby safe.
What To Do About Intrusive Thoughts
Whether or not you have a diagnosis of postpartum anxiety, depression, or OCD, here are some strategies that you can use to manage the intrusive thoughts so that you can get back to enjoying your time with your baby.
Step 1: Learn About What’s Normal
We build up a lot of pain and suffering from feeling like we’re alone, or that something’s wrong with us. The more you can educate yourself about mental wellness during postpartum, the better off you’ll be. You’re here because you’re already learning, so good job! Information = power (and also validation and feeling less alone).
Here’s a couple other websites that talk more about intrusive thoughts that you might find helpful:
Postpartum Support International Pacific Postpartum Society
Step 2: Build Self-Awareness
I encourage you to increase your awareness of your particular thoughts, and examine your beliefs about them. The more you know exactly what the thoughts are that lead to worrying and stress, the more you can recognize them in the moment and choose a new path.
But if we aren’t aware of the precise language or imagery our thoughts take, then we don’t have the ability to take action and ultimately feel better.
So ask yourself (and write down): 1. What thoughts or images come up most often for you? 2. What’s going on at the time when these thoughts arise?3. What meaning do you make of these thoughts? (and are you making any thinking errors?)
Step 3: Enlist your Wiser Self and Use Self-Compassion To Create a Balanced Response.
When I talk about your “wise self”, I’m referring to that part of you that knows you’re a good mom. This is the part of you that keeps perspective, that’s able to step back and look at everything you’re doing well and see the bigger picture.
The wise self is who you want to take the lead! She can help you put things in perspective. So see if you can imagine the part of you stepping into her power, and taking leadership in this situation.
So ask yourself, what do you know to be true about you as a mom? How have you been meeting your child’s needs? How have you been a good mom?
Now consider the times when your intrusive thoughts come around. How can you enlist this wise part of yourself to come up with a more reasonable thought?
You could ask yourself these questions to help: How have I been in general toward my child? What do I know about intrusive thoughts that can help me here? Is this a fact or an opinion? Am I making a thinking mistake?Are there any other possibilities or conclusions that I could consider?What would I say to my good friend in this situation?Is this realistic or likely to come true?
These questions help you step back and gain some perspective. It takes practice though, so don’t worry if you don’t get this the first time. Keep trying
Final Thoughts
If you find that your thoughts are causing a lot of worry and distress, it’s a good idea to reach out for support.
Remember to be kind to yourself as you work through this, reminding yourself that this is a normal part of postpartum, and this will likely pass with time.
Want to learn how to manage intrusive thoughts and dive a little deeper? Check out my best-selling program, The Calm Mom. I walk you through exactly how to manage anxiety and intrusive thoughts in motherhood.
Fairbrother, N., and S.R. Woody. 2008. New mothers’ thoughts of harm related to the newborn. Archives of WOmen’s Mental Health 11: 221-29.
Uguz, F. K., C. Akman, N. Kaya, and A. S. Cilli. 2007. Postpartum onset obsessive-compulsive disorder: Incidence, clinical features, and related factors. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 68: 132-38.
Labad, J., J.M. Menchon, P. Alonso, C. Segalas, S. Jimenez, and J. Vallejo. 2005. Female reproductive cycle and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 66: 428-35.
This is an AMAZING article and i can’t wait to share this with others. Great insight and great topic to cover! Even as a mental health professional myself, as a new mom a few years ago, I even had intrusive thoughts about my intrusive thoughts! Lol I KNEW better – knew they were JUST INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS, but I still had that second curiosity of whether I was going crazy. Thanks for this post!
Your therapist friend who refuses to sugarcoat motherhood, isn’t afraid to spill the tea on my own messy journey, and promises not to dole out cliche therapy advice.
You know you’re struggling with anxiety and need help but you don’t have the capacity to deep dive just yet. Learn how anxiety shows up, understand and track symptoms, review the treatment options, and learn some easy-but-effective tools to bring relief ASAP.
You know self-care matters but how the heck do you fit it in? This will show you how to make self-care work for YOU over the next six days. Bite-size self-care lessons and prompts, to help you create a realistic and sustainable plan that you can do even when your kids are around.
Let's be honest: Motherhood can be shockingly hard sometimes. I'm all about tangible ways to feel happier, calmer and more like yourself these days. Join my email community and stay connected.
If you’re reading my message to you, it’s because you’ve identified a challenge, and you’re hopeful that it will get better. That’s a really great start!
In my work, I primarily focus on relationship issues that arise in the perinatal period. Pregnancy and the earliest months and years of your little one’s life are both major transitions that can affect your relationship and/or sexuality in ways you hadn’t anticipated.
First off, I want prospective clients—mothers especially—to know that it’s so normal to struggle with yourself, your relationship, and your sexuality while you’re adjusting to this stage of life. If these issues haven’t been normalized by those around you, it’s not because you’re the only one dealing with them. In fact, 67% of all relationships take a hit in the first year postpartum. To add to that, about 83% of women experience sexual dysfunction in the first year postpartum. Sometimes understanding that you’re not alone alleviates some of the pressure.
The next step is to work with a professional who can provide a safe and comfortable space to work through these struggles. That’s where I come in. I’m here to validate your experience, offer empirically-based treatment, and collaborate with you so that you can feel fulfilled by your relationship and sexuality even through this major change.
I’m a mother of two toddlers myself. Both were born prematurely. I know what it’s like to experience challenging, high-risk pregnancies, difficult labours, and postpartum struggles. I get it and I know how to help! With my guidance, you’ll be able to reclaim your sexuality, your relationship and articulate your needs in regards to both.
I would like to gratefully acknowledge that land on which I live and practice is within the traditional territories W̱SÁNEĆ (Pauquachin, Tsartlip, Tsawout, Tseycum) peoples.
It’s my honour to walk alongside people as they go through big life transitions. Fertility, pregnancy, birth and parenthood changes us indefinitely and impacts every member of a family. We navigate new terrain at every stage—from pre-pregnancy to early parenthood—and that emotional journey is both intensely joyful and immensely overwhelming (not to mention lonely!). Venturing into this uncharted territory requires the support of a village. In fact, isolation and lack of support is a leading cause of perinatal mood disorders. Having the right support is essential. It certainly was for me!
Through my own experience of struggling with miscarriages, becoming a mother, and realizing how intense those early years can be, I can attest to the transformative power of seeking professional help. I draw on my own personal experiences to create a space that is warm, empathetic, validating and constructive.
I believe in the power of connection and relationships. It takes a lot of vulnerability to seek help and to be open to growth. You are the expert of your own experience. I will meet you wherever you’re at and consider your voice every step of the way. My goal is to help you feel empowered, informed, seen and heard. I’ll provide a safe space for you to explore your thoughts and feelings so that you may develop a deeper understanding about what’s really going on and learn to manage compassionately. It takes a lot of courage and vulnerability to seek help and to be open to change and growth. My clients are my heroes. Depending on your needs, our work together might include learning practical tools to manage issues such as anxiety, depression, grief and loss, identity and relationships. I’m here to provide full support as you move through this healing journey.
I am grateful to live and work as an uninvited settler on the unceded territory of the Coast Salish peoples, including the territories of the xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations.
My name is Kate. I started this counselling practice after my own challenges in motherhood made me realize that there isn’t enough support for new mums. Here’s what I know for sure: motherhood is quite likely the hardest transition you’ll ever go through. So if you’re suffering, you’re far from alone. You’re told that becoming a mom is supposed to be natural, easy, intuitive, and blissful. Oftentimes, that’s just not the case.
I also know that we all need support.
Our cultural push to be the mom-who-does-it-all is so unrealistic and causes a lot of pain. With that pressure, your own values can get lost. I’m here to help you connect to what matters most.
And lastly, I know that you don’t have to just accept the struggle. Yes, motherhood is challenging, but it’s also possible to completely transform how this experience feels. I know because I’ve done it.
Having experienced postpartum anxiety myself, I know how painful and disorienting those years can be. The hardest part for me was that I didn’t ask for help. I didn’t reach out. I didn’t allow myself to be supported. That’s why I do this work today, and I’m honoured to be by your side and help you find a little more ease, self-care, and compassion.
I am grateful to be living and working as a settler on the unceded territory of the Coast Salish peoples, including the territoires of the W̱SÁNEĆ (Pauquachin, Tsartlip, Tsawout, Tseycum), Lkwungen (Esquimalt, and Songhees), Malahat, Pacheedaht, Scia’new, T’Sou-ke and Traditional territory of North Saanich Bands, Hul’qumi’num.
By searching for a counsellor, you’re already taking important steps in improving your mental health. This process happens little by little so let’s give you credit for already taking those first steps. I’d be honoured to support you through this journey.
Through my own experience, I’ve seen society place constant judgement on mothers—sometimes even before pregnancy! This is exhausting and isolating. I’ve also noticed that most of the “support” offered to moms comes in the form of unsolicited advice instead of proper mental health support. That never helps.
As someone who works in the field, I feel lucky to have had the right resources as I transitioned into motherhood. However, I still struggled with anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and overwhelm. I witness that high expectations, constant comparison, guilt, and mental health struggles are all too common in motherhood. I’d like to offer my support by taking the time to explore your unique experience, provide a space where you can express yourself freely, and together, focus on concrete strategies to address your concerns. Therapy isn’t one-size-fits all so expect a plan that feels custom designed to your needs.
Motherhood comes with a lot of struggles, but it also comes with many sweet moments that make it all worthwhile. In our work, I’ll focus on supporting you through the challenges, while also celebrating the positives.
I know what it’s like to not feel at home in your own life during early motherhood. My passion for working with mothers began when I had my first child almost eight years ago. I myself struggled greatly in the early days of motherhood and found my new shift in identity much more difficult than I had anticipated. Although I was a trained mental health professional, I felt shocked at how hard things felt, and how little support there was out there for new moms. It’s totally understandable if you’re struggling right now.
I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor here in B.C. and I have 10 years of experience working with clients struggling with a range of issues including depression, anxiety, addictions, relationships, grief and loss, trauma, sexual health, and suicide prevention. I have supervised a team of clinical counsellors since 2018 with the Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast B.C. and have worked closely with Child and Youth Mental Health as well as the Ministry of Children and Family Development in Delta, B.C.
I am so honoured to be providing a safe space for mothers to express themselves and their struggles in a judgment-free place. This is your time to work one-on-one with a professional who has the proper tools to help you navigate your biggest pain points.In addition to working together to help clients cope with the challenges that motherhood brings, I provide mothers with the much needed support, compassion, and empathy they deserve. In our sessions, I regularly witness moms shift from feeling immense amounts of self-directed anger and guilt into self-accepting individuals equipped to calm their nervous systems.
Hello, my name is Heather. I am so happy you found us! I want to let you know a little bit about my journey in parenting and therapy. I began providing individual and family therapy just over a decade ago. In the early part of this journey, I entered into parenthood myself. I thought I was impervious to the negative mental health impacts which can come with parenting. Little did I realize how much the nuanced messages (all those really unhelpful ones), began to infiltrate my wellness and ability to really experience the joyful moments. With support and hard work, I was able to carve out my own paths of joyful living.
Since this time, I have specialized in the treatment of trauma and attachment with the skills to assist with anxiety, depression, and relational challenges. I have nothing but empathy and understanding for the strength it takes to parent; whether this be planning for a child, the process of waiting for the child to arrive, or having children in your life. This can feel like such an emotional roller coaster, and all too often, the health and wellbeing of the caregiver gets lost. If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, or feeling triggered, please let us know, we are here to help. I am happy to work with you on strategies to manage your physical responses, emotions, and thoughts to
increase your ability to cope with challenges and participate more in moments of joy. I want to let you know that with support, it can feel easier! I am so happy you have welcomed us to be a part of this journey and I look forward to supporting you.
Hi! My name is Sali and it’s my absolute honour to support you through this part of your journey. Let’s hold space for all the parts of your experience. This includes celebrating the joys and small wins and also bringing mindfulness and compassion to everyday challenges like out-of-control anxiety and postpartum depression that drags down your spirit.
I’m passionate about tending to the wellbeing of mom, baby, and mothers to be. My aim is to help women show up both for themselves and their families in the ways that align with their top values. One in every seven women struggle during this chapter of their life. I provide a warm and supportive space so that they don’t have to suffer in silence.
My approach is based in mindfulness, acceptance and self-compassion. The tools that I teach help you to stop being at war with yourself. Our self critical thoughts and negative self talk can really compromise our experience in motherhood. At the same time, moving forward with an open heart and self-supporting mindset can make motherhood the joy it’s supposed to be.
You are not alone, and with the right support, it’s not only possible, but probable to be the kind of mom who can believe in herself, meet her emotional needs (without the guilt!), and live according to her own personal set of priorities. I know because I’ve witnessed so many women make this change..
My wish is to help you feel more at home in your mind and your body at this time.With the right tools, you can find more ease on a day-to-day basis and even make this transition a fun one. The mindfulness acceptance and compassion tools learned and applied can continue to serve you well beyond the course of therapy and into the parenting journey. Let’s work together to get curious about your needs and build on your strengths and natural wisdom. Let’s find a way to make things better.
Welcome! So glad you’re here. My passion for perinatal support came after my own challenges becoming a mom for the second time and realizing that there aren’t enough supports for new moms or that the supports available were highly stigmatized in my area and within my social network.
Motherhood is both beautiful and chaotic; some days it is one or the other and other days it’s a blend of a beautiful disaster! If you are suffering, just know that you are far from being alone. Motherhood most often does not resemble what is portrayed on social media nor does it conform to unrealistic societal/familial expectations.
I would like to take time to explore your unique story with you and help you express yourself openly and without judgment as well as to explore your innate abilities to overcome some of the challenges you are facing.
I am a mom of two daughters, who has experienced a perinatal mood disorder myself. I have a glimpse at how difficult those days, months or years can be with intrusive thoughts and feelings of being generally “unwell”. One thing that I know for sure, that by not reaching out for help and attempting to mask my thoughts and feelings, I actually made things more difficult and prolonged than they had to be. I was uncomfortable allowing myself to be supported. And this is why I am so honored to be doing the work I am doing today and I am honored to be by your side to help, to provide compassion and a safe space to be unapologetically you.
This is an AMAZING article and i can’t wait to share this with others. Great insight and great topic to cover! Even as a mental health professional myself, as a new mom a few years ago, I even had intrusive thoughts about my intrusive thoughts! Lol I KNEW better – knew they were JUST INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS, but I still had that second curiosity of whether I was going crazy. Thanks for this post!